Doomsday Clock Is Now The Closest It’s Ever Been To Armageddon

The Doomsday clock is the closest it's ever been to Armageddon in an update for 2025. Find out more information here...
The clock is a symbolic timer created by atomic scientists (including Albert Einstein) and was established in 1947, as per Reuters.

Originally designed to alert the public to the dangers of nuclear war, the clock now serves as a stark warning of how close humanity is to global catastrophe due to human actions.

Today, climate change stands as the most pressing threat to the planet, though geopolitical conflicts and weapons of mass destruction continue to pose significant risks.

Maintained by the Chicago-based non-profit Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the clock is updated annually – and this year’s update may be the most alarming yet.

Nuclear explosion.
The Doomsday Clock accounts for various existential threats, from nuclear war to climate change. Credit: Adobe Stock

Over the years, the Doomsday Clock has evolved to account for various existential threats beyond nuclear war, including climate change, artificial intelligence, biological hazards, and geopolitical conflicts.

In 2007, graphic designer Michael Bierut modernized the clock’s image, ensuring its continued relevance in an era of emerging global risks.

During a live news conference on January 28, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists revealed the latest adjustment to the Doomsday Clock.

This year, the clock has been set to 89 seconds to midnight, marking the closest it has ever been to a catastrophic event.

The announcement occurred at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in Washington D.C., following deliberations by the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board (SASB), alongside its Board of Sponsors, including nine Nobel Laureates.

Several critical factors influenced this year’s decision, including nuclear threats, climate change, the rise of artificial intelligence, biological risks, and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Doomsday Clock 2025.
The Doomsday Clock is now the closest it’s ever been to Armageddon. Credit: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists via YouTube

In its official press release, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists stated: “We now move the Doomsday Clock from 90 seconds to 89 seconds to midnight – the closest it has ever been to catastrophe.

“Our fervent hope is that leaders will recognize the world’s existential predicament and take bold action to reduce the threats posed by nuclear weapons, climate change, and the potential misuse of biological science and a variety of emerging technologies.”

The clock’s new setting follows last year’s record-low time of 90 seconds to midnight, highlighting persistent and worsening dangers facing humanity.

In stark contrast, the safest recorded time on the Doomsday Clock came in 1991, at the end of the Cold War.

That year, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), leading to significant reductions in nuclear stockpiles.

As a result, the Bulletin set the clock at 17 minutes to midnight, the furthest it has ever been from global catastrophe.

With the clock now at an unprecedented 89 seconds to midnight, the urgency for global cooperation and action has never been greater.

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