Starring Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway and a young Timotheé Chalamet, the film follows a group of astronauts attempting to find a new home for humanity via a wormhole near Saturn – and the ending is really a kick in the guts.
And earlier this year, one fan on TikTok spotted what they believed, initially, to be a mistake, however, they realised that a shot from the very beginning of the film is reused later.
The TikToker further explained: “At first I thought this was a mistake, but then I realised, this is Christopher Nolan.
“Christopher Nolan wouldn’t reuse the same footage without a purpose.”
Interstellar came out ten years ago (Paramount Pictures)
The two scenes are the shot of Cooper’s (McConaughey) aircraft right before he crashes in his dream, then again when the team enters Miller’s planets atmosphere.
He realised that he was looking at the scene all wrong, and that the opening sequence could be seen as a crash that no one should survive.
As such, the theory that Cooper is, in fact, dead the whole film was born.
It is one that shockingly holds up much more than most other ‘they were dead all along’ theories, and changes more or less the entire meaning of the film.
Fans have even spotted one particular moment that foreshadows this theory, taking an emotional moment and making it even more heartbreaking.
One fan on Reddit said: “Early in the film, Coop says to Murph ‘Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future’. Coop was infact Murph’s ghost.”
The quote is important enough without the theory that Cooper is dead.
When he finds himself in the black hole later in the film, hidden behind bookshelves watching Murph’s life during the vital latter moments of the film, he is operating the role of an almost ghost.
But when you think about Cooper being dead the whole time, another scene takes on a completely different meaning.
Fans are still noticing things in the movie (Paramount Pictures)
In Looper’s video ‘Things In Interstellar You Notice After Watching More Than Once’, they point out that in the final scene where he finally comes back to find his daughter Murph on her deathbed, with him having not aged a day he is like a ghost walking back into her life.
They also point to the quote from earlier in the film foreshadowing this moment.
Others, however, have noticed how this scene takes on a completely different meaning if you think of him as a dead ghost.
“Was he the ghost of her future?”
Another pointed out in the comments of the original TikTok theorising that he had died, writing: “That hospital room scene always sat wrongly with me.
“Coop is literally the hero, yet not a single member of his extended family acknowledges him.”