Man who has eaten every single Death Row last meal says one is the ‘worst of all time’

Man who has eaten every single Death Row last meal says one is the ‘worst of all time’

Man who has eaten every single Death Row last meal says one is the ‘worst of all time’

He’s eaten over 100 of them.

A man who has spent nearly two years rating every single death row final meal has named the worst one he’s eaten.

Josh Slavin, an American YouTuber, started his series on social media in 2023. He researched the final meal choices of those sentenced to death in America, before cooking and eating them, and rating them on a tier list from best to worst.

The series, which has featured the likes of Ted Bundy and Aileen Wuornos, has proven to be incredibly popular, with the lad amassing close to one million followers on Instagram alone.

Somehow, after eating over 100 death row meals ranging from pecan pie to pizza, Slavin still had the appetite to add his own choices to the list.

Josh's final tier list (Instagram/ @jjslavin)
Josh’s final tier list (Instagram/ @jjslavin)

Steven Michael Woods, Lawrence Russell Brewer, Dennis Bagwell, and Peter J. Miniel’s choices for their last-ever meal made the top of the list.

But what about the worst?

Well, according to Slavin, the worst death row meal was the one ordered by Victor Feguer, a man who was sentenced to death in Iowa in 1963.

In the summer of 1960, Feguer phoned a local doctor from the yellow pages and claimed that a woman needed medical attention. However, when the doctor arrived, Feguer kidnapped him and killed him with a single gunshot to the head. When he was finally captured, Feguer was tried and sentenced to death by hanging.

Whereas other serial killers and murderers follow the fairly common theme of eating as much as they humanly can before their execution, Feuger didn’t follow the same vein of thinking.

He simply requested a single pitted olive, and the reasoning behind it is actually quite sweet, given what he was clearly capable of.

Feguer hoped that by keeping the pit in his suit pocket when he was buried, an olive tree would sprout from his grave as one final showing of peace.

Not the most filling of meals (Instagram/ @jjslavin)

Not the most filling of meals (Instagram/ @jjslavin)

Giving his thoughts on the meal, Josh said: “In my opinion, the sentiment behind this gesture was nice but as a final meal, this choice was pretty atrocious.”

Unsurprisingly, he placed the meal in ‘D-list’, which is ranked as abysmal.

Others on the list include Wuornos, who declined her option for a meal, and simply had one black coffee.

In a 95-minute video, later released on his YouTube channel, Slavin ranked every single meal he ate – and even included what his own death row meal of choice would be: pizza, ramen, watermelon and pineapple, various breads and pastries, sausages, gyro and fried plantains, gyoza, banana bread, cherry cobbler, cake, and ice cream. Not a bad way to go, I guess?

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