My Sister-in-Law Threw Away Our Mom’s Ashes Without Telling Us — Karma Struck Her on Christmas

My Sister-in-Law Threw Away Our Mom's Ashes Without Telling Us — Karma Struck Her on Christmas
My Sister-in-Law Threw Away Our Mom’s Ashes Without Telling Us — Karma Struck Her on Christmas

Everyone was set to come to my house for Christmas dinner this year, but days before, my brother and his wife suddenly showed up, asking to stay over. Although their visit was unexpected, I didn’t mind much, until my sister-in-law pushed me to the edge with her unbelievable antics!

A week before Christmas, my brother Ryan and his wife, Lindsey, arrived at our front door, bundled up and looking frazzled. Their heating system had broken down, and with the cold snap, their house had become unlivable. Despite my reservations, my husband, Nathan, and I welcomed them in, unaware of the disaster awaiting our kindness.

A couple with luggage | Source: Midjourney

A couple with luggage | Source: Midjourney

“Thanks for letting us crash here,” Ryan said, setting their bags down in the hallway. “We might be here over the holidays because, for the life of us, we can’t find an electrician during this time to assist us, but we’ll keep trying.”

“It’s no problem,” Nathan replied, ever the gracious host. “Make yourselves comfortable.”

At first, things were fine. But by the third day, my sister-in-law’s (SIL) behavior was starting to wear on me.

An annoyed woman | Source: Midjourney

An annoyed woman | Source: Midjourney

She monopolized our master bathroom, leaving damp towels and toiletries scattered everywhere, despite having full access to the guest bedroom shower. Worse, I noticed some of my sweaters and other clothes had mysteriously migrated into her suitcase, without her bothering to ask to borrow them!

I didn’t want to cause a scene, but I couldn’t help feeling irritated. Still, none of that compared to what I discovered on Christmas Eve morning!

A woman holding sweaters | Source: Midjourney

A woman holding sweaters | Source: Midjourney

We were gathered for breakfast when I noticed something odd. The mantel in the living room, which had been lovingly decorated with garlands and stockings, looked… empty. My heart skipped a beat.

“Has anyone seen Mom?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly. I was referring to the black marble vase holding my mother’s ashes, which we had placed there to honor her wish to “spend” Christmas with us.

A mantel decorated for Christmas | Source: Midjourney

A mantel decorated for Christmas | Source: Midjourney

This was supposed to be our first Christmas without Mom, who died after a short battle with cancer. On her deathbed, she’d made my brother and me promise to keep her ashes with us in the same room where we celebrated Christmas so she could “be with us one more time.”

After this holiday, my brother and I were supposed to scatter her ashes at her favorite place—the local river where she and our late dad had gone on their first date. But now she was just… gone.

A vase with ashes | Source: Midjourney

A vase with ashes | Source: Midjourney

Lindsey looked up from her plate and gave me a nonchalant shrug. “You mean her ashes? I threw them out in the backyard. That vase scared me to death every time I saw it!”

The room fell silent. Time seemed to freeze as her words sank in.

“You did what?!” I finally managed to choke out, my voice rising.

“I threw them out,” she repeated, as if she were talking about a piece of trash. “Relax, it’s just ashes. Why are you all so dramatic?”

A nonchalant woman | Source: Midjourney

A nonchalant woman | Source: Midjourney

Fury erupted inside me, and without thinking, I shot up from my chair, ready to lunge at her. Nathan and Ryan jumped between us, holding me back!

“You had no right!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face. “Mom had one wish, and you—how could you?!”

Lindsey rolled her eyes. “It’s not like she’s going to know!” she retorted.

Her indifference was a slap in the face! Shaking with rage, I stormed out to the backyard, praying it wasn’t too late.

An angry woman in the backyard of her house | Source: Midjourney

An angry woman in the backyard of her house | Source: Midjourney

I spent the next hour combing through the grass and the vase in the trash bin, but there wasn’t much left to salvage. My mother’s ashes, her memory, were gone!

That night, I lay awake, seething! I wanted to kick Lindsey out right then and there, but Ryan’s pleading look at dinner stopped me.

“Just wait until after Christmas,” he’d whispered at one point. “Please, we have nowhere to go at such short notice.”

I reluctantly agreed, but I wasn’t sure how I’d get through the next twenty-four hours without exploding!

An apologetic man | Source: Midjourney

An apologetic man | Source: Midjourney

Around midnight, a bloodcurdling scream shattered the silence! Nathan and I bolted upright, exchanging alarmed looks before rushing upstairs. The smell hit us before we reached the door to Lindsey and Ryan’s room—a rancid, gut-wrenching stench that made my stomach turn.

“What in the world?” my husband muttered, covering his nose. We burst into the room to find Lindsey standing on the bed, clutching her hair and shrieking hysterically!

A distressed woman on a bed | Source: Midjourney

A distressed woman on a bed | Source: Midjourney

The carpet, Lindsey’s clothes, and some of mine were soaked with murky water, and a foul-smelling mess was oozing from the en-suite bathroom!

“Oh my God!” my SIL screamed. “It’s everywhere! Do something!”

Nathan tried to keep a straight face, but I could see the corners of his mouth twitching. “Wow,” he said. “Looks like the toilet backed up.”

“Why is it only this room?” I added, unable to suppress a smirk. “The guest bathroom’s fine and ours is working perfectly!” I said a bit too gleefully.

“Must be some kind of Christmas miracle,” my husband quipped, earning a glare from my brother’s livid wife!

A man standing by a doorway | Source: Midjourney

A man standing by a doorway | Source: Midjourney

My brother was crouched by the bathroom door, desperately trying to mop up the mess with a towel. “Honey, maybe we should—”

“Don’t you dare ‘honey’ me!” Lindsey snapped. “Do something useful for once!”

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to twist the knife. “Maybe this is karma,” I said, leaning against the doorframe. “You know, for what you did to Mom. This must have been her revenge—she did have a wicked sense of humor, after all.”

Lindsey shot me a look that could kill! “This is your house! Your plumbing! Fix it!”

An upset woman shouting | Source: Midjourney

An upset woman shouting | Source: Midjourney

Nathan stepped in before I could retort. “We’ll call a plumber first thing in the morning,” he said calmly. “In the meantime, maybe you two should sleep in the guest room after cleaning up what you can.”

“Do you think I was right that the incident was a sign from Mom?” I whispered to my husband as Lindsey whimpered and wailed, trying to salvage what she could. “If it wasn’t, it sure feels like one.”

My SIL looked like she was about to explode, but Ryan gently guided her out of the room.

An angry woman being led out | Source: Midjourney

An angry woman being led out | Source: Midjourney

As they passed me, I caught Lindsey muttering under her breath about how it wasn’t her fault. I rolled my eyes and headed back to bed, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction.

The next morning, my brother woke up first and shared with Nathan and me how the toilet backed up that night when my SIL decided to use it. He was fast asleep and woke up when she screamed, slipping on the ooze as she made her way back to jump onto the bed!

A woman laughing | Source: Midjourney

A woman laughing | Source: Midjourney

We couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Lindsey slipping in that stinky muck, and my brother even joined in!

Sadly for Lindsey, her bad luck continued on Christmas Day. The plumber we called couldn’t make it out until the day after Christmas, leaving us to spend the holiday with the mild stench of sewage lingering in the air.

When we sat down for Christmas dinner with the rest of the family—including cousins, aunts, uncles, and more—my SIL was unusually quiet. She picked at her food while the rest of us laughed and exchanged stories.

An unhappy woman | Source: Midjourney

An unhappy woman | Source: Midjourney

At one point, Ryan pulled me aside. “Thanks for not kicking us out,” he said awkwardly. “I know Lindsey can be… difficult.”

“Difficult?” I raised an eyebrow. “Ryan, she threw away Mom’s ashes!” I hissed.

“I know,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Believe me, I didn’t know she was going to do that. I’m so sorry.”

For a moment, since my anger had brewed up again, I considered telling him to pack up and leave, but then I looked over at Lindsey. She was sitting stiffly at the table, her face pale and her eyes darting around nervously as if expecting another disaster to strike.

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