Woman whose boyfriend watched her in bed with another man spoke out about relationship as ‘historic’ scene goes viral

Woman whose boyfriend watched her in bed with another man spoke out about relationship as 'historic' scene goes viral

Woman whose boyfriend watched her in bed with another man spoke out about relationship as ‘historic’ scene goes viral

The woman spoke out

The woman involved in the ‘historic’ Spanish reality TV scene which saw her boyfriend watching her in bed with another man spoke out about her relationship.

Spain’s version of the reality show Temptation Island called La isla de las tentaciones went viral last week after a scene in which a man called Montoya legs it down the beach after seeing his girlfriend, Anita, kissing another man in bed.

The show sees couples take part in a challenge in which they all split up into two villas.

The men of the couples go to a villa full of single women, and the women go to a villa full of single men and are tested to stay faithful in their relationship or be tempted to hook up with the singles.

A gesture that transcends language (Mitele)

A gesture that transcends language (Mitele)

Montoya is shown a clip of Anita, his girlfriend, in bed with one of these singles, and begins bounding down the beach towards her villa with the presenter iconically yelling ‘Montoya, por favor’ as she tries to reign him in.

As he is sprinting down the coast however, the screen Montoya had been looking at shows Anita and the single man she was with going at it like jackrabbits.

The scene has been called many things online: iconic, disturbing, historic, cinematic, incredible, and has left fans desperate for more information.

Anita speaks out after viral ‘Montoya, por favor’ clip

Anita has spoken out after the viral ‘Montoya, por favor’ clip, which received nearly half a million likes on one post on Twitter.

The reality star posted on Instagram a video of herself, showing her going from crying to dancing with friends with the accompanying caption over the top: “If you ask me how I feel these days. Learning everything and getting the best version of myself.”

Anita spoke out (Instagram)

Anita spoke out (Instagram)

Another clip posted to Twitter sees Anita speak to the show’s host Sandra Barneda about her relationship with Montoya.

The clip follows a discussion between Sandra and another contestant in which they appear to have been discussing issues with their relationship.

When asking Anita, she says: “I’m on an emotional roller coaster just like her. Well, Eros was unfaithful in the past, and you don’t know if he’s going to change.

“My Montoya has never been unfaithful to me, but there’s something inside me telling me to be cautious in this experience. I hope I’m wrong.”

Ultimately, she ended up feeling as if he was cheating when she was shown a clip from a task in which Montoya received a lap dance.

Man watches his girlfriend in bed with another man
Credit: Mitele
This led to her the next day kissing Manuel, the man she eventually sleeps with. The first night though she simply kisses him, causing Montoya to rip his shirt open and boot an iPad.

This is followed by the now-iconic scene of the Spanish reality star falling to his knees on seeing his girlfriend bedded by Manuel.

He addressed the situation in one of the show’s spin-off programmes, saying: “I don’t believe it, what you can’t do is say that I’m the love of your life and get into bed with someone else.”

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