Identical strangers with same job and name got DNA test to find out if they were long-lost brothers

Identical strangers with same job and name got DNA test to find out if they were long-lost brothers

Identical strangers with same job and name got DNA test to find out if they were long-lost brothers

These two men are practically clones – they look the same, have the same job, and the same name

We all have at least one person who bears some resemblance to us. Whether or not it’s a compliment is besides the point.

But in the case of these two guys, the similarities were too striking to deny. They even took a DNA test to get the bottom of whether or not they were related.

These two guys look like they could be twins (

The two Brady Feigls are both 6’4 baseball players with red hair, red beards and glasses. Even if they were actual twins, it’d be peculiar enough that they ended up in the same job. But for total strangers who look alike to end up in this position? That’s really wild.

The truth really is stranger than fiction.

One of the Feigls is a pitcher for the Pericos de Puebla in Mexico, while the other is a pitcher for Oakland Athletics in the US. Both playing in the same position, too?

So, what did the DNA test reveal?

Well, turns out they aren’t related, and that may be the most shocking thing about this whole story.

The two Brady Feigls could be twins (

However, the test did find out some interesting details about their lineage.

It turns out that while they may not be long separated brothers, they do have the same amount of Germanic ancestry in their blood. According to research, they found that the Feigls came in from Germany through Ellis Island. This was the common entry point for most immigrants throughout the 19th and 20th century. They both clocked in at 53 percent Germanic heritage.

But that’s where the biological ties end.

On other ethnic markers, there are some differences. One is 10 percent Irish and Scottish, while the other only has two percent. This would account the red hair.

These two men look very similar but aren't biologically related (

And while one clocked in with four percent Italian, the other had none to speak of.

Despite this, the two were grateful for the experience and referred to themselves as ‘brothers in a way’. In fact, after appearing on Inside Edition, they began getting recognized in public.

One said: “Now in public, I get people saying ‘You’re one of the Brady Feigls! How is the other one doing? How was it meeting?’

“It’s been fun. I haven’t had anything like this before.”

I mean, it’s still really cool that they have this very unique dynamic. Having a twin without the potential for sibling rivalry sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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