Mother gives 4-year-old daughter bag of food from Burger King

Mother gives 4-year-old daughter bag of food from Burger King

Tiffany Floyd stopped at a Burger King drive-thru near her home in Western New York for a quick bite to eat while out with her four-year-old daughter.

It was supposed to be a hassle-free treat, but after her daughter complained about the “ketchup” on her kid’s meal, it only got worse from there.

“Today I went to Burger King by my house,” Floyd said in a TikTok video.She explained how moments after she handed the kid’s meal to her daughter, she heard, “Mom, I don’t want ketchup.”

“So I take the bag back, thinking that they messed up our order,” Floyd says. “And I look in her bag and there is blood all over.”

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