Warning issued to Brit holidaymakers who plan on going to Mallorca this year

Warning issued to Brit holidaymakers who plan on going to Mallorca this year

Warning issued to Brit holidaymakers who plan on going to Mallorca this year

Not cool Mallorca, not cool

It’s really difficult to understand why European countries dislike British tourists so much.

Whether it’s wearing sandals with socks, walking around with no shirts or ordering ‘uno cerveza gracias’ – Spanish holiday hot spots in particular seem to take issue with the loud-mouthed sunburnt travellers from the UK that take over in the summer.

And now, locals in Mallorca have seemingly had enough, after issuing a warning to any Brits searching for a bit of sun to stay away this summer.

Unsurprisingly, this isn’t the first time Brits have received this caution, with local business owners in Malaga telling tourists to take their boozy antics elsewhere last summer. In fact, some Spanish settings have even introduced a fairly new law to stop people from binge drinking during the day, with the concept of a cheeky lunchtime pint clearly lost on the locals.

We Brits do love a challenge and after being told 15 spots to stay away from in the past, you’ve got to think we’re more inclined to visit and see what the fuss is all about.

Mallorca is the latest holiday destination to lose its patience with tourists, as one anti-tourism group penned a letter to potential visitors telling them to stay at home. They would no doubt be gutted if their holiday to sun-soaked Stevenage was cancelled for the same reason.

The letter, which was written in a recent Majorca Daily Bulletin, states:

“ENOUGH. STAY HOME! DO NOT COME. We do not need more tourists. In fact, you are the source of our problem.

“The land we love it’s being destroyed and many of us have to leave the island because it is uninhabitable. It is time to take a stand.”

The locals probably aren't a fan of this sort of behaviour.

Alamy Stock Photo

To be fair to the locals, they’ve not singled out British tourists in their letter, but let’s be honest, we don’t exactly have the best track record when visiting other countries. Spain even has its own offensive codeword to describe boozy Brits.

The locals added: “There is no need to list the problems that we residents suffer from, they are well known.

“Environmental and ecosystem deterioration, infrastructure issues, overwhelmed public services, transportation problems, loss of quality of life, gentrification, disproportionate increases in the cost of living, and a total lack of access to housing for the local population.

“We are facing the worst summer in the history of Mallorca.”

So, unless you want Mallorca to ban Brits completely, maybe behave yourself if you’re planning on heading over there this summer.

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