Once used as a prison sentence for British convicts for petty crimes such as theft and protesting, the Land Down Under is now a dream for many Brits who want to escape the rain and the pain of ever-increasing bills.
Moving to Australia is also now easier than ever thanks to last year’s visa change, which allows British nationals to live and work in the country for three years – so it’s easy to see why many young people are contemplating the move.
We’ve all got mates who have swapped kebabs for koalas and marmite for vegemite, and we probably pretend to hate the idea of the better weather, wages and work-life balance that Australia seems to have to offer.
The cost of living
Sadly, as much as we talk about the cost of living here in the UK, it’s clearly a big factor over in Aus as well.
Ross – who emigrated to Australia with his family in 2020 during the pandemic – talks about the sky-rocketing cost of groceries, out-of-season produce, rent and utilities. Fortunately for any meat-eaters though, he stresses that the cost of chicken has largely remained the same.
The YouTuber encourages wannabe Aussies to research properly before committing to any purchases, large or small. As with moving to any new country, it’s vital to shop around to ensure that you’re not getting ripped off.
Eligibility for free medicals
Australia has a universal health care system that provides free essential and urgent hospital treatment, but there are other costs involved.
As a new resident in Australia, you might need to take out private health care to cover those costs.
Much like the NHS, you can find what is known as ‘bulk-billing’ doctor who will bill ‘Medicare’ rather than you for their services.

Ross shares his seven tips for moving to Australia (That Johnston Life/YouTube)
Yep, it’s not all constant sunshine and 30 degree temperatures.
The reality is that the weather in Aus can be temperamental, with it ranging from chilly temperatures during the winter months and blistering wild fires in the height of summer which, as we all know, can be life threatening.
Investing in plenty of sunscreen if you want to avoid looking ‘like a lobster’ is also a solid tip.
Tipping culture
Imagine having a system where restaurant and bar staff get paid enough in wages to not rely on tips (looking at you USA)?
Fortunately in Australia, that is the case and Ross assures viewers that tipping ‘isn’t necessary’.
Public holidays
Much like the UK, some businesses will close on public holidays. But in Australia, they could also introduce a surcharge for their services on those dates.
So it’s important to plan ahead and check when the public holidays are.
As a new resident to Australia, you are likely to have to pay fees for a lot of things, including banking. Some shops will also charge you for using your card, rather than cash.
Even putting your card into the machine, rather than simply tapping it, could save you money.
Perhaps the most important you’ll need before moving to Australia is to ensure you have the correct visa.
Ross recommends using migration services, to ensure that you’re eligible and that you can qualify for the correct visa without fear of having it revoked.